Mumbai: Pakistani actress Meera also known as Irtaza Rubab was recently noticed under media talk in relation to her leaked sex video with captain Naveed which raised many questions against the actress. While, this time actress Meera in relation to this video has came in media and said that she don’t want to talk about such videos as they were fake and it is not at all related to it.
Along with this Actress Meera revealed that she is in touch with her lawyer and soon a legal noticed will be served against the people who are involved in making such fake sex video.
Let’s wait for the updates and see what comes out once the investigation gets completed.
Along with this Actress Meera revealed that she is in touch with her lawyer and soon a legal noticed will be served against the people who are involved in making such fake sex video.
Let’s wait for the updates and see what comes out once the investigation gets completed.